I hope you are having a good day!
We received our first real snowfall last night and woke
up this morning to a beautiful winter wonderland. You can see a
photo I shared on IG here, which inspired me to make a little
printable. Feel free to save it and print one for yourself.
up this morning to a beautiful winter wonderland. You can see a
photo I shared on IG here, which inspired me to make a little
printable. Feel free to save it and print one for yourself.
I also wanted to share a new print design at my Society 6 shop…
It’s a little different but I think it’s perfect for this
time of year. The prints are available in red…
time of year. The prints are available in red…
…and gray.
I love how it looks on this tote bag…so festive!
And as an added bonus, Society 6 is offering
FREE shipping worldwide through Cyber Monday!
FREE shipping worldwide through Cyber Monday!

I hope you have a wonderful day.
much love,
Don’t miss a thing! Keep in touch with me via:
ooo snow! I hope it snows here at some point in December, unfortunately it seems to never stick around for long. So Christmas eve would be prefect 😉
Actually, it is not difficult to create a presentation and anyone can. It’s not worth wasting a lot of time and skills if you want to atract an investor or protect a project at the University, it would be much easier to turn to specialists who are as well aware of how to do this. I already know these professionals, and you can look at the marketing pitch deck here and you will know them. I am very happy that I have been able to find those people who have planned and made it as good as possible for the presentation. Good luck, I hope I could help somebody here.
These pillow designs are awesome. You can also get custom printed pillows. This is no longer a fact, and we are so used to it that they have very serious requirements for shops, such as good photo quality, detailed description, any size that is perfectly described for clothing printing for your choice.
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It’s awesome what you can do with screen printing clothing for promotional and advertising purposes.