Often times I complain about the weather and wish we lived in a country where there is warmth all year round. But there is so much beauty to be found even while the earth rests dormant during the winter. The only catch? You have to be intentional about it.
The new year comes to us as a blank canvas, wrapped in bows of empowerment and a renewed desire to be better. I started this post wanting to share a little DIY I read about years ago, but instead a light went off in my head and my heart. What I require in my life is not better posts or better writing; what I need in my life is to be INTENTIONAL.
Intentional with our daughter as she looks up to me as the ultimate role model. I need to be INTENTIONAL about showing her not only compassion and love for others but for herself. I need to be INTENTIONAL about spending time with her and teaching her that what really matters is what is inside your heart and not our outer appearance. That sometimes the mirror lies to us and that God himself made us in his own image and HE is perfect and in HIS eyes so are we.
I need to be INTENTIONAL with our oldest son, showing him how valuable he is to our family. Show him that as the first born, he holds a very important responsibility to his siblings and at the same time let him know that it’s OK to still be the child that he still is. I need to be INTENTIONAL and show him that his love and respect for me will one day make him a great husband.
I need to be INTENTIONAL with our younger son and teach him that we all have our own special abilities and not to compare himself to those of his big brother’s. I need to show him that his abilities are just as special and one day will make him the person he is intended to be. I need to be INTENTIONAL and let him know that his kindness is a gift from GOD which one day will be rewarded. I need to show him that his hugs and kisses make my day so much more special.
We took a little impromptu trip to a conservation area over the weekend. Venturing into the cold woods takes some effort (ok a lot) on my part, but once I saw how much the kiddies were enjoying themselves and how the boys bonded with their dad as they collectively started the fire, it was all clear a little cold wind is a small price to pay for beautiful memories.
Because we did not plan this in advance, I decided to make our own fire starters with things around our home…
These worked like a charm and were perfect for our little bonfire. Next time, we’ll bring real logs and have a roaring fire.
Have you picked a word for the year? I’d love to know what it is.
Thank you so much for letting me share a bit of my heart.
much love,
I love this and your family is adorable.
So funny, I just wrote that word down– Intentional– before I started reading your post. I wrote down several others… simplify, quality & presence. Not sure if I’ll be able to narrow it down to one! 🙂
Ha ha, I just saw these on your blog chalkboard…I think Intentional and Presence are very similar….maybe pick one of those…seems to be your direction.
Thanks for sharing, you have a beautiful heart. I’m with you on being intentional, but my word for the year is “seek!” … “Seek and ye shall find!”. I need to focus on my relationship with Christ this year, and strive to make Him my first priority!
You have a beautiful family! These photos are priceless!
That is beautiful! Great word!
Beautiful post. My word is confident. Confident that I am a good mother, good wife, good employee… no, change all those to great. I’m confident that I am great because I give 100% of myself to everything I do and everyone I love. Your post hit home. Thanks.
I just love this post Lucy! And yes I think we do share the same brain:). I feel the same way, intentional-great word, may be needing to steal this. You have such a beautiful family!!! Great tips for the mini bonfire, will have to pin:). Have a great week, Jen
Beautiful post, Lucy, that really had me thinking. You are making wonderful goals for the coming year! Thanks for sharing pictures of your sweet family!
Beautifully written, Lucy. And I love the idea of a bonfire…I’m in a cold climate too and this looks like just the special little winter family activity for some chilly fun 🙂
I love this post, Lucy-I love your sweet family and you and I love your word….so much of what we say is unintentional…so it is good BE intentional in thoughts and deeds. A very good word! I don’t have a word this year-I have never had one but maybe I should think about it. I suppose Starbucks doesn’t count?;>) xo Diana
Lucy, I don’t even think I can put into words the feelings I had while reading this post.. It is all just so very true and most certainly needing to more applied in my life. Have a great week!
Beautiful post. Love the pictures esp. the one with you and your hubby.
My word is enJOY.
What a beautiful post and word Lucy! Love the special meaning for you too!You all are so brave! Lovely photos but I would have been freezing LOL!
My word for this post is LOVE…I LOVE the post, I LOVE the photos, I LOVE the sentiments, and I LOVE your word. Really beautiful.
I don’t really have a word for the year, but more of an idea – I am trying to add, not subtract – be positive, not negative – if that makes any sense.
I have always been a camper and nature lover…your surroundings look beautiful 🙂
Thanks for sharing, Jackie
Mine I guess is HOPE. I’ve health, I’ve a job. I’ve the love of my mum & sisters, that of a few friends.
My hope is to have my herat warmed again. I came back from a flight to Chile (I’m a flight att. From Spain) and my prtner had left with all his stuff.
Sinnce then I feel I’m choking half the time. The other half I’m sleeping thanks to pills
I hope he comes back, but I also hope to be aboe to go on living if he doesn’t.
I also want Hope for the people who are in worse situations than mine
Hope for better single actions by single persons to make a better street, then neighbourhood, …. World
Hope you all get your heart wishes granted
Is sim a fairly new follower and I’ve really been enjoying your blogposts but this one is simply beautiful and so very true. Your words are simply and yet eloquently put! My word for this year is hope. I hope that my health will improve. And I hope that my children will never stop hoping that they’re mom will get better and if not, I hope that they will never give up hoping that even through our difficult times that in hoping for good things that we at least believe in one another and for the love & joy we share as a family.
Love the photos, Lucy! And a beautiful post. 🙂
Such a lovely, meaningful post. Wishing you God’s continued Blessings. I needed this today. Sincere thanks.
Lucy, this post was filled with Intention, it is evident by all the comments; people can hardly describe what they felt when they read it. Intention is so very powerful! My word is 2 actually, ‘Let Go’….hopefully by letting go (and maybe falling a little) I can really learn to use my wings and soar!
P.S. Your family is beautiful!
Gorgeous! We did a bonfire in November and roasted s’mores. It was pitch black outside so needless to say, my pics are a little sad! It’s all about family – and you’ve got an amazingly beautiful one!
What a beautiful post, Lucy! We all need to be remind to slow down and be intentional with our live, not just rush through it all. Thanks for that reminder. Your family is beautiful, and what a special time you shared!