Sometimes inspiration is born out of nowhere.
Sometimes you need a little spark to ignite it.
The picture on the left was my spark (via Pinterest)
I love experimenting with unique techniques…
…unexpected materials that when placed together form magic…
…and bring that initial idea to life.
And all it took was a tiny little spark.
What ignites your inspiration?
Thank you for visiting today. I wish you a beautiful day!
much love,
ps. I am also sharing a different type of bloom over at FOLK. I would love for you to stop by and say hello.
The beauty I found here again today, was the perfect way to start out my Tuesday. Thank you for sharing your talent. The watercolor picture is so pretty!
Those crepe paper flowers are amazing. Simply gorgeous.
Hi Lucy! So great to visit, and leave inspired! What a great way to start my day! These flowers are sooo lovely. Such a fabulous idea! I am going to have to see if I can create some! You know, you are helping me to discover and begin to cultivate the artist in me…the one that needs to explore, and take some chances, and set aside a little time each day to free my mind and create just for me. An amazing adventure awaits. Thanks so much for sharing your gifts and talents, and for inspiring me!!
I hope your day is filled with little joys!
Gorgeous, Lucy! You are a wonderful artist.
Holy smokanolies! That is gorgeous. What a talent you are, truly! Such a beautiful thing.
WOW! That is totally fabulous! Beautiful!
OMGosh- Only YOU would make paper flowers that rival fresh blooms. Those are amazing. You are so talented, Lucy, and I am SOO envious!;>) But it’s a good kinda envy cuz I love you! xo Diana
Beautiful – as always.
These are just gorgeous!
Props Lucy, I’m like Bea WHATTA HECK IS THIS??? just pics of flowers??? and she says to me: NO Di she made those out of paper… I’m like WHATTTT! (Didier)
Beautiful – as always!
Oh so pretty, and it was strangely 55 degrees here today so now I’m really ready for spring 🙂
These are absolutely beautiful! You always have such wonderfully, creative ideas 🙂
can’t believe these are made of paper! simply beautiful Lucy!!! Love it!
Tea cup bulbs! ohhhhhh~~~Love it.
These are absolutely gorgeous. I’ve just put a little tea light in a tea cup but you tea cup bulbs are so lovely I may be repurposing mine! Thanks for the inspiration on a sunny Saturday morning.
very very nice
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